March 13, 2017

Blog, Productivity

In my recent post, I mentioned what must be the primary responsibility of a Christian. In this post, I am going to give you six effective ways to share the gospel. 1. Pray PRAY! In Matthew 6:9, we can notice that Jesus emphasized prayer: “In this manner, therefore, pray…” In Luke 3:21, Jesus was “praying”

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March 7, 2017


Plant the seed, and let God carry it on, after all, Salvation is of the Lord. Is it not? What is the point of having light in us and not sharing that light with others? That is, what is the point of having Christ in us and not sharing about Him with others? Matthew 5:16

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May 25, 2016

Blog, Leadership

[cs_content][cs_section parallax=”false” style=”margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px;”][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/1″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]Peter Drucker states: “A single universal ‘leadership personality’ or set of ‘leadership traits’ simply does not exist. Name a leadership trait that seems “absolutely essential” to being an effective leader, and someone else can name ten situations

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June 1, 2015


My personal approach in hermeneutics is literal-grammatical-historical hermeneutics. Literal, in the sense that every word that is used or written in the Scripture has the normal meaning in general usage, whether it is in speaking or writing. The grammatical and historical settings should be taken into consideration because the syntax (grammar) and historical settings play

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April 3, 2014

Blog, MailChimp

[toc title=”Table of Contents” type=”left”] [toc_item title=”1. What is Mailchimp?” page=”1″] [toc_item title=”2. How to Use Mainchimp?” page=”2″] [toc_item title=”3. What is a List?” page=”3″] [toc_item title=”4. How to Create a List?” page=”4″] [toc_item title=”5. How to Create a Campaign?” page=”5″] [toc_item title=”6. The Final Step” page=”6″] [toc_item title=”7. What Next?” page=”7″] [/toc] To keep

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